Поурочные планы по английскому языку 3 класс рахимжанова
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Dating > Поурочные планы по английскому языку 3 класс рахимжанова
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Download links: → Поурочные планы по английскому языку 3 класс рахимжанова → Поурочные планы по английскому языку 3 класс рахимжанова
Ask and answer the questions Who is she he? В пособии представлены поурочные планы по английскому языку для 3 класса, составленные по УМК М. Другие ученики должны отгадать. Do you like fish?
I am happy to see you! Работа по учебнику Ex. При выполнении этого упражнения можно опираться на упражнение 1, с. Do you like milk? The Dog has a Puppy. Оборудование: карточки с транскрипционными значками, картинки с изображением фруктов и овощей, сада и огорода. Учитель записывает вопросы учеников на доске. Также учитель объясняет, что числительные первый the first , второй the second , третий the third образуются не по правилу, то есть являются исключением, и их надо запомнить; обращает внимание на произношение и написание порядковых числительных the fifth, the eighth, the ninth, the twelfth и числительных, заканчивающихся на - y. Приведите пример вопросительного предложения. Оборудование: картинки с изображением времен года. Мистер Гринвуд начинает урок английского языка в лесной школе.
Для проверки понимания текста учащимися учитель предлагает ответить на следующие вопросы: - Чью сестру зовут Мэри? I am glad to see you!
поурочн_ план_ 3 класс анг рахимжанов_ [delete] [delete] - The cat is under the chair.
Мой рабочий день 5 часов 1 четверть Снова привет! To start, to know, together. On the 1st of September. To learn to talk about daily routines, to indicate parts of the day. Мой день Usually, p. What time is it? What time do you get up? Present Simple, adverb of frequency usually. To use time to describe daily routine. Дни недели Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wendnesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, a week, a capital letter. What day is today? To learn days of week and to be able to ask and answer what day of the week it is today. Кто рано встает… To get dressed, to start, still. It's time for bed, early to rise. Present Continuous positive form. To learn to talk about actions at the moment of speaking, using Present Continuous. Досуг 4 часов Семейное дерево To ride a bike, to help my grandparents, family time, intresting. Present Continuous negative form. To learn to describe pictures and activities at the moment of speaking. Мой выходной A historical museum, a circus, pupet show, a cinema, a water park, an exhibition, free entrance, special, history. Present Continuous question form. To learn places of amusement in the city and to be able to use new vocabulary to describe one's weekend. To check the children's knowledge Куда можно сходить на выходных? A shark, a penguin, a river, an aquarium,a place,a bathroom, holidays, to feed. Present Continuous alternative questions. To learn the names of few sighseeing places in London, to be able to describe them. Школа 4 часа 2 четверть Моя школа Beautiful, big, intresting, a classroom, a floor, a gym, a library, a school hall, a consert. To learn to name some premises in school, to be able to describe one's school. To learn the names of months and to be able to describe extra activity at school a drama club. Какой сегодня день First, second, third, 4th- 20th. What date is today? To learn ordinal numbers, to be able to ask what date it is and answer this question. Хорошие манеры Excuse me, may I come in? Excuse me, could you help me? May I go to the restroom? May I use your pencil, please? Important, to bump into someone, polite, good manners. To learn to use polite phrases in every day school life. Школьные предметы 3 часа Школьное расписание Maths, Art, Music, Kazakh, Russian, English, PE, a schedule, to remember, to forget. Present Simple positive and question forms. To learn the names of school subjects and how to decribe the school schedule. To check the children's knowledge. Мой любимый предмет To discuss, next to, at the table, in my street, a subject, a dombra. Prepositions: at, next to. Мир вокруг меня 5часов 3 четверть Улицы большого города A person, a child, a museum, a theatre, a hospital, a bank, a café, a square, a bird, sick, money, to need. Irregular plural nouns To learn new words related to the places ina city, to be able to describes a city. Мой город Near, beautiful, any, to live, чa bookshop Are there any…? To learn to describe one's city, places in a city. Столицы A clock, a tower, acapital, high, to visit, to take pictures. To learn to talk about capital cities: Astana and London. To know some main sightseeing places. В деревне To feed, to help, a sheep, a duck, a chicken, a village, a cow, grandparents. To learn to describe activities in a village. Ветеринар To look for a job, to look after, to give a shot, to fix someone's leg, outside, on the farm. Present Simple Present Continuous To learn to describe a vet's job. Транспорт 5 часов Как ты добираешься до школы? How do you go to school? By bus, by car, by taxi, by metro, by trolleybus, by tram, to walk. To learn to speak about types of transport and to be able to say how children go to school. Метро To use, to visite, popular, long, every day, the Underground, a metro, a station. To learn to describe the metro in the cities of Kazakhstan and Egland. Путешествие Travelling, by ship, by train, by plane, all over the world, to travel, China, Russia, New York, Moscow. Prepositions: to, by,all over. To learn new words about travelling, to be able to say how to get to different places by different means of transport. To check the children's knowledge. Как добраться до… How I get to the bank? You can get there by bus. To learn to ask for directions in the city you don't know. Времена года 4 часа 4 четверть Сезоны Rainy, windy,snowy, sunny, cloudy. What's the weather like today? Погода I was at home yesterday. We were in the park yesterday. What the weather like in Astana yesterday? To learn how to describe the weather today and yesterday. Погода Winter holidays, spring holidays,last winter, last spring. It wasn't at home. Мой любимый сезон To play snowballs, to paint,to skate, sky, beacause, sometimes, often, to wear Present Simple. To learn to describe preferences in seasons. В торговом центре 4 часа Виды магазинов A supermarket, a shopping centre, a pharmacy, a greengrocer's, a toy shop, a bookshop, a shoe shop, a pet shop. В ЦУМе A size, a colour, different, to try on, over there. Can I help you? Where can I try them on? To learn new phrases to use during shoping for clothes. To check the children's knowledge В магазине игрушек To buy, expensive. How much is it? Phrases: How much is it? To learn some vocsbulary related to shopping. To learn to ask and answer questions about the price of goods in singular and plural forms.